Confessions Of A Scarfaholic

It began slowly..... I don't think anyone even noticed at first..... It was the colors that drew me in..... First a honey yellow, then a burnt orange..... then came the patterns..... florals, polka dots, birds.....  I think I even had one with whales..... yes, there was definitely a whale one..... the obsession was getting out of control.... my family was noticing..... I began to receive them as gifts..... it was like they all knew.....


I was.......... a scarfaholic.


There. I said it.


Yes, I had a problem. I couldn't stop myself. It was back in the days of Malls..... they were these large stores that had walls and halls and, well, you had to GO TO THEM and not sit and shop from the comfort of your home..... you went there and parked your car and lunch was usually involved at some point and it was a whole big thing..... Anyway, I would go shopping with someone and soon I'd wander off..... always to be found later wrapped up in scarves of all colors, sizes, patterns and textures. I could always find one that was different than what I already had at home..... Every store seemed to have an endless array of them and they were all calling my name.....


Trying to figure out what to do with my collection at home began to be a challenge. I started out with them in a drawer.....then two drawers..... then a cute hatbox..... then it was time for a gigantic plastic trunk which was not cute at all and where they were all thrown in willy nilly with no organization other than just dizzily plunked in there and mashed down so I could fit more and more and more and..... well, you get the picture.....


But it was still fun..... I would watch YouTube videos about the myriad of ways to wear them. I'd take out many kinds and try them on in all different styles. I could be chic or funky or boho or casual..... just by wrapping up in a scarf.


The funny thing is..... although I probably had 100 of them..... I usually ended up wearing the same 4 or 5 most of the time.


Then it happened. The whole scarf obsession began to wane..... I had taken on another obsession, you see..... one with MORE colors and textures and patterns..... and THEY weren't so fluffy and puffy that they ended up in your soup when you were out to dinner! YES, I am talking about dichroic glass jewelry!


It was kind of a blur..... I don't really remember stuffing the last scarf back into the plastic bin. But in it went at some point and in they all stayed. And there they remain to this very day. They may go on Ebay to be sold some day soon but I digress.....


Once I discovered dichroic glass jewelry I had everything I wanted..... I had the colors and variety and besides that I had SPARKLE!  What more could a girl want, right?


Of coursed, dichroic glass jewelry is much more practical than a scarf. It's smaller so the obsession takes up way less space. And it's easy to wear no matter what season it is..... it might get too hot for a scarf but not for a necklace. AND there's no itchy fabric around my neck..... I mean for goodness sakes I can't even stand a turtleneck these days..... if you're over a certain age you know what I'm talking about. ;)


The bottom line is I have given up my scarves for pretty, sparkly glass jewelry and never looked back. The era of scarves is over..... The era of sparkle has arrived. Let's all show our sparkle! 











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You’ve always had sparkle!

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